We need Partners! Can YOU help?
Since 1996, PIE has worked closely with several Baltimore City Catholic Schools to address the issue of educational equity here in Baltimore. Each PIE Scholarship we are able to award is a ‘win’ for one student, for one year.
To continue making a noticeable, positive difference in Baltimore, we need help. We need more Partners.
If you feel compelled to help and want to become a Partner In Excellence, please read though the levels we have outlined below. Then, when you are ready to take the next step, please reach out to us using the form at the bottom – or just e-mail Roxanne Fidler at roxanne.fiddler (at) archbalt.org.
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us using the form below,
or contact Roxanne Fiddler, Director of PIE, roxanne.fiddler@archbalt.org.