How You Can Help

We need Partners!  Can YOU help?

Since 1996, PIE has worked closely with several Baltimore City Catholic Schools to address the issue of educational equity here in Baltimore.  Each PIE Scholarship we are able to award is a ‘win’ for one student, for one year.

To continue making a noticeable, positive difference in Baltimore, we need help.  We need more Partners.

If you feel compelled to help and want to become a Partner In Excellence, please read though the levels we have outlined below.  Then, when you are ready to take the next step, please reach out to us using the form at the bottom – or just e-mail Roxanne Fidler at roxanne.fiddler (at)


Level 1 | Stay informed.
Level 2 | Show your support
    • Take a school tour. See first-hand what PIE and our schools are all about!
      Tours occur during a school day and last about 1 hour.
    • Make a gift to PIE (Any amount would be appreciated.)
      All gifts are tax-deductible.
    • Like/share a few of our social media posts.
    • Come to our Annual Back-to-School Breakfast!
Level 3 | Give a bit of your time.
    • Become a PIE Advocate! A PIE Advocate is someone who commits to proactively raise awareness of PIE and the schools we serve, primarily via social media. By signing up to be a PIE Advocate, you will also be kept ‘in-the-loop’ on events and other ways to connect with PIE.
    • Volunteer on a school board. (Contact us to learn more.)
Level 4 | Make a deeper impact.
    • The average PIE Scholarship is about $2,000. Can you sponsor a student? Or can you make a multi-year pledge?
    • Open doors for us. Do you know a company or foundation that would be willing and able to support PIE? If so, can you connect us with them?
    • If you have a small group of friends/colleagues who you think would like to hear about PIE, can you consider hosting a ‘Lunch & Learn’?  A ‘Lunch & Learn’ is an in-person event, often held at a local business, where several voices (student, parent, educator) come and talk about the mission of our schools and PIE. A Lunch & Learn typically lasts about 1 hour.
Level 5 | PIE Advisory Board
    • The PIE Advisory Board is a non-governing board whose primary goal is to help raise money for PIE (tuition assistance scholarships for low-income families).
    • An ideal PIE Advisor is someone who:
      • Believes strongly in the mission of PIE and the Baltimore City Catholic schools we serve,
      • Has strong community connections and is willing to use these connections to build support for PIE.
    • Potential PIE Advisors need to be recommended to the Archbishop, who will then decide whether to invite the individual to the board.
    • One term is two years, and is renewable twice upon mutual agreement between the Archbishop and the Advisor. Max tenure on the board is 6 years.

Thank you for your consideration!

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us using the form below,

or contact Roxanne Fiddler, Director of PIE,